5 Untold Secrets About Click Through Rate

Secrets about click-through-rate

What is CTR? CTR or click-through rate is the ratio of the clicks or impressions that you got from a certain link or ad copy. CTR can also be calculated by an online click-through rate calculator. However, the formula for CTRs is that you divide the number of clicks by the total page impressions.  CTR is very important in determining your site’s performance along with the efficiency of any marketing strategy that you can run.

Click Rate Vs Click Through Rate:

Click rate is the ratio of the people who have, for example, opened an email or ad and clicked a link, and reached the site to the total number of people who received an email. Click-through rate, on the other hand, is the ratio of the people who clicked a given link to those who open your mail or an ad.

Table of Contents

5 Untold Secrets About Click Through Rate

Here are some unknown and untold secrets about click through rate.

Content optimization:

Meta Description:

The meta description is shown below the title of your article or content in Google search results (SERPs). An effective meta description is an effective strategy for driving your Click Through Rate up. This secret about click-through rate has great potential if you know the art of words and make use of meta description to let your audience know what your page is about and convince them to click through your content or website. You can

  • Use your targeted keywords in the meta description.
  • Answer the user’s questions; it is like winning half the battle in driving traffic to your site.
  • Keep it short and relevant. Don’t add unnecessary terms or ideas. 160 characters are more than enough to convey your key points through a meta description.
  • Use emotionally charged and persuasive words.
  • Use a CTA or hooks like “learn more”, “find out how”, and  “here is a list of more facts”.

Overall Structured content or data:

A well-structured and well-managed website will get not only a “good click-through rate but also the lowest bounce rates. Keep your audience enchanted with your content so that they never want to leave your website. A simple way to do this can be by providing answers to users’ queries. Well-structured data is also easy for Google crawlers and  algorithms to process and show to the users. This kind of content is likely to attract more users as it appears on the top, has attractive URLs, and is more concise and specific about the information it contains. So it will boost your organic CTR.


One of the untold Secrets about Click Through Rate is that in the Google search engine, the first position in the SERPs gets the highest number of CTRs as compared to a website that might be in 10th or 12th position. Have you heard of an SEO joke that the best way to hide a dead body is on Google’s 2nd page? That is true because no one ever goes to Google’s 2nd page. But that is a reality because if you are on Google’s second page you may get a 0.78% chance of even getting a click through your site.

Analysts infer that the first result on SERP gets about 31.7% (1/3rd) of the total clicks. That means just being 2nd on the SERPs means a 31.7% lesser chance of getting clicks as compared to the 1st search result. Google users trust the search engine’s algorithm so much that they hardly ever bother to look at its second page. The site with the highest SERPs is considered an authority and the best one. So improving your position in search results will increase your chances of getting high CTRs.

Long-Tail Keywords

Use Long tail keywords instead of short-tailed ones for higher CTRs. These keywords are more descriptive and help rank your content against the user’s search intent. This tells the users that your content has the piece of information that they are looking for. When users find a title relevant to their search intent and queries, they click through your link to reach your content. So, use long-tailed keywords in title, headings, and title tags for a good click-through rate. You can find long tailed keywords easily by using online tools like Ubersuggest. Simply place your keyword in the bar and search for keyword ideas. You will find many related long-tailed keywords for your business.

Copywriting Techniques for Ads

Copywriting Techniques

Understand your audience and hit on their emotions through an effective ad copy. It is one of the untold Secrets about Click Through Rate for all big businesses. It is important to know your customer’s language, offers that might attract them, and the services they are looking for. For a successful, You got to be talking on their pitch. Don’t include prospects or words they detest in your ads. One way to know all this is to carry out a survey on your customers so that you can find their likes and dislikes. You can ask them to write a review or search for online reviews of similar businesses and firms. Only by knowing your customer’s emotional drive can you compose an ad copy that is both compelling and efficient. Don’t forget to keep your ads simple and convenient for anyone to understand.

Site optimization:

For better user experience Google prioritizes sites that don’t take much time to load. With our changing lifestyles and preferences, site speed has never been more important. Without site optimization, you may get a lot of people clicking through your links but will never be able to retain them. This affects your bounce rate. If people click and bounce off instantly because of the slow speed of your site, it will negatively affect your organic click-through rate. Anyone will hardly wait for 3-4 seconds for a site to load when he has a lot of other options available as the search result of their queries.  3-sec lag while loading a page may cause you to lose as much as 32% of your traffic. This is definitely going to harm your organic CTR. Similarly, media files within your content should be well-optimized. Use optimized text, images, audio files, and videos for a better user experience. You can check your site speed online by using tools such as Ubersuggest where you just need to place a URL and click “site audit”. Then scroll down to “site speed”. You can see the loading time here.


  1. 1: How Does Click Through Rate Work?

Click-through rate or CTR is the percentage of impressions through clicks that your ads or site’s URL receives. A high click rate indicates that your site or content is highly relevant to search intent. While low click rate is indicating that your ads, content, or services are not much relevant according to users.

  1. 2: How can I improve my CTR?

To increase CTR you can carry out simple and effective steps as follows.
Content optimization
Site optimization
Reach your customer’s emotional drive.
Go for copywriting.
Improve SERPs

It is important to keep people engaged with websites and make them spend more time by internal linking and using enticing content. This way with people spending more time on your site, search engines like Google values your content and takes you as an authority. Google will rank your site higher and higher on SERPs.  With a high bounce rate, Google will see your site as an unhelpful one. So your site can lose its ranking and be thrown away to the 2nd or 3rd or maybe the 4th page of Google. Keeping in mind the Secrets about Click Through Rate you can rock your marketing strategy.

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