6 Ways Google Helpful Content Update Can Boost traffic for you in 2023

Google Helpful Content Update

If you want to boost traffic on your website, then you need to follow these 6 ways Google helpful content update can boost traffic for you.

There is news rolling out that Google has changed the way of search engines and now Google’s helpful content update can boost traffic on your website. The purpose of this helpful content is to reward creators and devalue those who write content for search engines. The helpful content update is not done. So, Google’s helpful content update is a continuing process. The expected date of Google’s helpful content update is August 25.

But Google announced some ways to boost traffic. Following the guidelines of Google, we make a list of 6 ways Google’s helpful content updates can boost traffic.

First of all its important to understand what actually it is.
So lets just check this video to understand how it all works.

Understanding Google Helpful Content Update


6 Ways Google Helpful Content Update Can Boost traffic for you


Place the keyword correctly:

The first way to get Google to update helpful content to boost traffic is to place keywords correctly. The keywords help to boost traffic, as we all know. But the writers should place it correctly. The blogs or articles should contain keywords, which help them to boost traffic and also appear natural.

The basic purpose of content should be for readers, but it should also be included in search queries.

Update Content: Plan Heading Structure:


The Google helpful content update also suggests planning a heading structure. The article should have some headings to help the readers get the idea. It will also boost traffic on your website. The headings should be in a meaningful scheme and each should be linked to the other. The headings should also contain keywords.

Always stay to the point:


Although Google’s helpful content updates are a continuing process, it is advised to stick to the topic. The majority of SEOs create content for search engines, but their content is not relevant to their niche. Such as, if you have a beauty product website and use keywords related to recipes. People may come to your website, but they will not be able to find the content for themselves.

You should ask the following questions before starting writing.

  • What is the purpose of the content? Is it made to attract people or made for people?
  • What are you going to write? Did you write for an existing audience or were you going to write about trending topics?
  • Do you have enough knowledge about the niche that you are writing about, or are you just writing to get traffic?

Rewrite the Meta Description:


The metadata always matters. Because readers read it before coming to your website. Google’s helpful content update can boost traffic to your website if your metadata is to the point. And metadata is in the latest ranking factors.

The user should add keywords in the metadata and the metadata should be to the point. So, it can boost traffic.

Do Provide Sufficient Answers To Searchers’ Questions:

According to Google’s helpful content update, it is helpful for your website if it contains some questions. If you have written content for a search engine, then it may have anything that is valued. So, to show concern about readers, you need to add a question that will help readers. You need to ask a few questions before writing FAQs.

  • Does your content contain all the things so readers can feel that they don’t need to search for more information about the topic?
  • Did you follow the preferred word count? Just because of this, Google preferred this word count.

Maintain Links:

Google’s helpful content update is not done. However it is advised that internal and external links could boost traffic. The links could lead traffic to other pages, and most websites follow this trend. The writer should check the availability of links before inserting them.

The SEO expert may find unnecessary links, so they have to maintain such links and replace them with new ones. So you will not lose backlinks. Such as Google helpful content update could help you if you want more information.




The Google helpful content update could be helpful for you if your content is real. But it also devalues the content that is written just to increase traffic. So the creators should write content for readers, not with the purpose of boosting traffic. However, they should also follow the ways that can boost traffic.
For more content like this about SEOCopywriting, Digital Marketing, and about Google’s latest Core Updates keep reading our content.


Why does Google’s helpful content update seem quite?

It is true that Google’s helpful content updates seem quite, but the purpose of Google is to improve the content over time and it is a continuous process.

Do you really need to panic about Google’s helpful content update?

No, you don’t need to panic about Google’s helpful content update If your content is real and your visitors are satisfied with your content, then you don’t need to panic. But if the content is written for a search engine, then you should determine it through the 6 ways Google’s helpful content update can boost traffic.

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